For years I was spending about half my life traveling. Mostly business. Having an unwelcomed disruption to the practice, this past week-end was my first time in an airport and back on a plane in 15 months. For pleasure! The gap, not a big deal, really. Travel is not easy!! Many might envy me or would be relieved. But having the break made me experience it a bit differently. There was more to notice. (perhaps a future blog) For this writing, a bit of lightheartedness came upon me. I thought I would share. Is it possible for your seat selection to say something about who you are? Aisle or window preferred? I am going with the theory IF you seek the middle without purpose or circumstance, you are unique! My very unscientific hypothesis evolved… An aisle picker? Just my guesses, are the most common, by a small margin. And often size, health and or anxieties factor in the equation. Could we describe the individual, wanting to be in control of their surroundings? Dare I say keep personal power of choice, instead of depending on others? They enjoy the most available freedom in a confined space? Is there a sense of entitlement? Are they eager, a little impatient? Don’t like heights, more comfortable grounded? Focused on quickest way to end result? More social, open to conversation? Less bothered by activity or interruptions around them? To get this spot, is one likely proactive, organized and conscientious in planning? If choosing the window, size and annoyances may be a factor too. Someone that is interested in as much of their “own” space as possible? Accepting of surroundings or aware of limitations? Understand teamwork or exercising initiative to meet needs? Practice consideration? They enjoy seclusion in a confined space? Less social? More patient? Like the light, want to see where they are going? Maybe, as able, experience the journey to the destination or a daydreamer? Position themselves to disengage from surrounding activity? Are they tolerant of the process, slightly less structured when coordinating plans? And in the middle – they are willing to sacrifice for the one they are with or a last-minute planner? Of course, this is random and meant to be inconsequential. I am sure I am not the first to propose an observation. Obviously, the seat “qualities” are not exact opposites of each other and certainly an individual doesn't have all the outlined above. If even any. But should it be fun to reimagine any connection between seat selection and personality, what do you think is possible? Are there traits you want to add or challenge? Maybe seeing yourself or a travel companion? Hopefully, you smiled or chuckled at the thought. Enjoy your travels, be safe! Look forward to a conversation and or may you choose to follow ReImagine Possibilities., Inc.
As I take a seat here in my sitting room, watching yet another snowfall outside the window, I descend into how it is possible to find gratitude every moment and day. A thought to share! (Tried to be brief, not too successfully). It is yet another single digit chilling day, and we certainly do not need any more snow in MN after we broke our February record already. But it is soft, fluffy, see the uniqueness in every flake, snow. That is painting the enormous pine trees that have become a front yard. (Three, planted 25 years ago to represent my boys. Like their growth, these trees are probably 40 plus feet tall with branches that reach out to meet each other and the neighbor’s garage. Oops. We keep holding our breath we won’t have to trim them). It is time for the easing of winter, but in this moment, I am appreciating its beauty! I am also appreciating the cozy room we created about 5 years ago, rather than working in my basement office. I love how this space turned out. (It wasn’t functioning as a dining room and we ran into complications to make it a four-season porch. But it all worked out because the 2 facing couches with fuzzy pillows and blanket, coffee table on a beautiful rug my parents found in Italy, in between windows that allow for the light to shine through, is meant to be. We painted it a rich burgundy, left the chandler with dimmer hanging in the middle, and added one of those fireplaces that sits tabletop. Which I am about to light). Now described as warm and welcoming. What I like most about this room though are the shelves that stretch corner to corner against the only full wall. They are filled with pictures of our kids, grandkids, parents, grandparents, and friends. They span our life experiences; weddings, birthdays, the carefully preserved Santa suit all 3 boys wore on their first Christmas, achievements, milestones, art projects, vacations, activities that capture a pitch through the windup and landing the skateboarding trick. The room is filled with "LIFE" and memories to reflect upon! Gratitude is easily one of my favorites. There is endless available material on it. From how to practice it, through its life changing benefits, and beyond. I believe in it and the power it holds because I have experienced it for myself. At a place now where I capture the blessings life gives us as they occur. I did create the habit with bedtime routines long ago. (Starting with asking my kids as we laid down to sleep “what they liked about their day”, to then writing in my own gratitude journal at least 3 things I appreciated. First it resembled lists, but it didn’t take long to expand into descriptive phrases). How is gratitude possible for you today? Is it the career you proudly built through hard work? Preparing a meal for or with someone you treasure? Safely arriving to embark on an adventure during the spring break season? Of course, the givens; love, kids, home, health, income….I could go on and on. Once tuned in, abundance overflows our cup. In fact, I am grateful to you for reading! And heartfelt wishes, may you be inspired by gratitude in this moment and your life, every day! Engaging in conversation and or following ReImagine Possibilities., Inc. welcomed! As I was working on the blog for this week, following my carefully scheduled calendar, I determined it’s broken. The logical plan was to skillfully introduce writings that tied into promoting ReImagine Possibilities, Inc., its services and my experiences. Which to some extent, I hope I have begun to successfully achieve over the last 7 weeks. Having a structure, these blogs would generate interest from you reading them to want to consider knowing more and partner together with me. Or as I have often invited, I wanted them to be interactive and start an engaging conversation. But today I identified struggles I was having with the blogging not being aligned to what's calling inside and a more relatable style. I simply want to share all the dialogue that is happening within me. My mind is dizzily spinning with ideas, thoughts, perspectives and more on all kinds of subjects, issues and topics. Personal and professional. Serious and maybe occasionally lighthearted. This blog today is to introduce a coming shift in my writings. We will have to see where the journey takes me and I hope, us. The new plan, posting upon idea, about anything, everything and the avoiding of limitations. My inspiration could come from my brain dumping (aka journaling), an exchange with someone, something I read, an event I attend and or even a hot controversial topic that is concerning me, maybe you too. They could touch on policies, processes, operations, relationships and or self-discovery. I will seek to be brief. In keeping with my principles and foundations around creating, coaching and connecting, to inspire a better life, a better way. I would consider it rewarding to generate any type of feeling, positive or negative, comfortable or uncomfortable, supportive or adverse. To prepare, I need to myself, and I am kindly requesting you, to be open to imperfection and absence of structure. May we allow ourselves the chance to be messy and informal. Envision the blog as the ribbon of a package that represents us individually and collectively. We are untying it to discover the gift awaiting inside. What will it be?...Will we love it? Will it be useful? Will we seek to give it away? Or...? I confess what felt broken, to discover what might be. I hope you will join me and choose to follow the ReImagine Possibilities, Inc. blog. Thank you for indulgence and consideration. Who, what and why advising? May ReImagine Possibilities, Inc. be so honored. Who am I to offer a service around advising others? I joke with myself, “another 50-year-old facing a complicated career force out, asking themselves, what now?” And considering consulting as a viable option. Laughing or rolling your eyes...I do too and would understand. Personally, I was never a big fan of hiring consultants. Predictable with my entrepreneur spirit. I am independent, driven and doing for myself is instinctive. It isn’t I feel help is wrong or bad. Or I am better than seeking it. If my actions are being interpreted as I think I know it all. I wouldn’t want that burden. But IT IS the responsibility and accountability I hold for myself. I appreciate discovering, doing and yes, "fixing"! It is how I learn best and how I have built a 3-decade successful and reputable career; as 3rd generation successor in our global family business, from errand girl to first woman President, distributing products B2B and B2C within the hospitality industry. Who am I to advise? I am someone with integrity and experiences. Capable and worthy of coaching you, your family, team, operations and best interests. What am I offering in my advising? As a proclaimed self-help junkie, I believe there is great value in broadening education and perspectives. I seek and respect opinions through conversations or word to expand ideas. But then, I am passionate about trusting and believing in yourself. Seize the information and tools acquired, to make decisions for what is right in your situation and the greatest good for all. With these guiding principles, it isn't a stretch that I embraced “life-coaching”. A bridge to honoring the expert within us individually, while also pursuing my desire to be helpful and give back what I have achieved. When choosing me, you are entering into a partnership. I will expect you to be accountable to who you are, not a version of someone else. You will craft the work, because you are the expert of your life, situation and business. I will share my experiences, knowledge and support to provide information for informed decision making. As well as coaching techniques to realize and identify your values, truths and story, that have shaped your relationships and career. My work history is long and the experiences encountered have wide ranging breadth and depth. I feel they make me capable and credible to a variety of company structures, sizes and across industries. A link to my ABOUT follows, with an extended invitation to discuss in person. What am I offering? I offer a unique, vast and balanced skill set. Connecting my past career and future in coaching, to discover changes and possibilities. Positioning for success, you and your best interests in the present. Why am I offering a service around advising? When I tried to answer that “what now?” question. The repeated response within was, “Things happen for a reason. I am not losing but gaining. How am I meant to give back my many, many blessings to serve others?”. A personal and professional blurred “why or vision", reappeared; “inspire a better life, a better way”. We all have challenges and need to seek answers for them. I would like to make a difference for the common good and contribute positively towards the outcomes. Whether it is one on one, a family, a team or whole company, I am driven by an agenda of reimagining YOU and your wants. Properly aligned to and with all that is possible. Why my advising? I am empathic and relatable. Together we will reimagine how to create something that is sustainable and an authentic reflection of your story, family and or business. A few weeks ago, I introduced an article on defining family and the expanded interest I have after my perspectives were challenged. Thank you if you made the time to read it! Today, I follow up on the idea of what is family, with the “How” of family. There's an old proverb that says “You can't choose your family. You take what fate hands you. And like them or not, love them or not, understand them or not, you cope. Then there's the school of thought that says the family you're born into is simply a starting point. They feed you, clothe you, and take care of you until you're ready to go out into the world. There you find your own tribe.” - MEREDITH How do you view your family… A family to run to or run from? Do they nurture your best or ignite your worse? A family of creation or a family created? A family of unconditional acceptance or conditional rejection? Do they set you free or hold you hostage? Are you coping with or finding your own? Our families, likely are not these extremes but somewhere in between and more, on any given day. What keeps my curiosity high? I believe I have a relevant position and empathy on the subject, personally and professionally. It is fascinating to reimagine all the possibilities for giving back to others from my experiences and knowledge. A peek into my individual history; from small families with multiple family businesses, my parents were quite young when married. I am the 2nd born, oldest girl. I have 2 brothers, 2 sisters. Recently, I experienced an abrupt ending, as 3rd generation successor in one of the family businesses, and decades of working with family companies from the hospitality industry. Some business data points; family firms comprise 80-90% of all business enterprises in North America. They account for 64% of the US GDP, generate 62% of the country’s employment and 78% of all new job creations*. One could debate how critical are family businesses. Most importantly though, I want to hear your story. How it began, continues to evolve and influence, you and your career. I have spent the last 2 ½ years discovering and uncovering mine, beyond what I believe I knew before. At first, I was surprised to interpret I am “the black sheep”. With a bit more digging, all the way to the beginning, what I uncover provides connections and creates understanding. I have a start on viewing my own “how”. Reimagining change and discovering possibilities. Let's have an open, honest, thoughtful and interactive conversation about your view on family! Please strongly consider partaking in approximately a 10-minute survey, depending on your reflecting, per the link below. Your answers, not only valuable because you voice them, but important data points for creating, coaching and connecting. My gratitude to those who have already checked it out! I am excited to receive (keeping confidential) your responses and with them, inspire better families, in life and work. My heartfelt appreciation for your time and contribution. To make this survey as beneficial as possible, kindly forward within your network as comfortable. I look forward to sharing the content of survey responses via future blogs, that you may choose to interpret them from your own perspectives. Thank you! * If you have been so kind or curious to review the ReImagine Possibilities, Inc. website copy, or wondered about it's logo, you will notice Three joined C’s = Creating, Coaching, Connecting. This tag represents how ReImagine Possibilities, Inc. would like to help you, given the opportunity. But where did the C’s evolve from? As an entrepreneur experiencing an unplanned career interruption, instinctively you tap into your drive to act, to do “something”. You are most familiar with creating and this passion is always burning. The ideas present themselves as one door of possibility after another and you believe in holding the key that fits the door/doors meant for you. A vast space waits beyond the threshold for you to create something inspiring. The first door, coaching classes, present themselves. Allowing you to reimagine yourself and where your next chapter is leading you. For you the classes were not about reinventing, because who you were is still who you are, but present chances for understanding ones story, and learning how to be a valuable partner to help others. You coach classmates through their concerns while strengthening shaken confidence in your own potential. You begin connecting with the right people, in the right moment, that show up. They’re generous and willing to share their support, time, advice, referrals and a cup of coffee. Amazing conversations are had (in a lot of cool coffee shops!), connections developing and presenting networking chances. Creating, Coaching, Connecting – a path unveiled to travel and explore, in a business you are inspired to launch. Creating, Coaching, Connecting isn’t only a journey though. These concepts become how’s to why. How may answers be created from challenges? How may coaching instruction be complemented by decades of leadership, business knowledge and operational management? How may extensive experiences and relationships be connected? There are so many options, defining a niche is difficult. Who and what…start-ups to small businesses to corporations, women owned and family companies, products and operations, individuals to families to teams. The possibilities, reimagined.
AuthorChristina Brandt Archives
September 2022